The University's Directory of Research and Expertise is the first stop for anyone seeking experts or further information about projects or research resources in, or in collaboration with its academic bodies.
Here you will find:
- profiles of academic staff, research fellows and research students, and their contact details
- information about their areas of expertise and related activities
- their publications references, including links to their research papers in the institutional open access e-repository, SAS-SPACE
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- Ms Mona Habeb
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Student
- Research interests:
- Communities, Classes, Races, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Screen Studies
- Mr Christos Hadjiyiannis
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Politics
- Professor John Haffenden
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Professor Patrick Haggard
- Institute of Philosophy - Staff
- Research interests:
- Neuroscience, Philosophy
- Ms Lara Haladjian
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Student
- Research interests:
- Civil Rights, Human rights, International Relations, Law, Philosophy, Politics
- Professor Alastair Hamilton
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Early Modern
- Dr Michael Hannon
- Institute of Philosophy - Staff
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Mr Narayana Harave
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Library
- Professor Valerie Hardcastle
- Institute of Philosophy - Past Fellow
- Professor Katherine Harloe
- Institute of Classical Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Dr Natalie Harries
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Professor Paul Harris
- Institute of Philosophy - Past Fellow
- Dr Kiran Hassan
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Steffen Haug
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Professor Paul Havemann
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Globalization & Development, Human rights
- Dr Miriam Hay
- Institute of Classical Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Dr Sophie Hay
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Dr Eve Hayes De Kalaf
- Institute of Historical Research - Staff
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Digitisation, Globalization & Development, Human rights, Political Institutions, Regional history, Social Sciences
- Vincent Hayward
- Institute of Philosophy - Staff
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Mrs Kyoung Hee Joung
- Digital Humanities Research Hub - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Social Sciences
- Mr Jaimie Henderson
- Central Services of the School - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, English Literature, Literatures in a modern language, Politics
- Ro Henry-Grant
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Student
- Research interests:
- Communications, Cultural memory, Culture, Digital resources, Education, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (German), Social Sciences
- Mr Guy Hewitt
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Globalization & Development
- Stephan Hilpert
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Katherine Hindley
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature