The University's Directory of Research and Expertise is the first stop for anyone seeking experts or further information about projects or research resources in, or in collaboration with its academic bodies.
Here you will find:
- profiles of academic staff, research fellows and research students, and their contact details
- information about their areas of expertise and related activities
- their publications references, including links to their research papers in the institutional open access e-repository, SAS-SPACE
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- Dr Kavyta Raghunandan
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Communities, Classes, Races, Culture, Gender studies, Social Sciences
- Ms Sonya Rahaman
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Student
- Research interests:
- Gender studies, Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, Law
- Dr Sabrina Rahman
- Central Services of the School - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, History of art
- Dr Angeline Rais
- Institute of English Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- History of the book, Library, Manuscript studies, Palaeography
- Mr Nigel Ramsay
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History of the book
- Dr Rahul Ranjan
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Student
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Cultural memory, History
- Miss Tahmina Rashid
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Law, Politics
- Susan Reardon-Smith
- Refugee Law Initiative - Staff
- Research interests:
- Human rights, Law
- Dr Anna Reeve
- Institute of Classical Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Professor Javaid Rehman
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Dr Katie Reid
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Francesco Ricatti
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- History, Language and Literature (Italian)
- Professor Christopher Ricks
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Professor Barry Rider
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- International Law
- Dr Alexis Rider
- Institute of Historical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Emma Rimpiläinen
- Refugee Law Initiative - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Social Sciences
- Dr Linda Risso
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Contemporary History, History, International Relations, Politics
- Professor Jane Roberts
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Palaeography
- Dr Robert Robertson
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Digitisation, Globalization & Development, Local Government
- Ms Pamela Robinson
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Palaeography
- Dr Julie Rodgers
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Language and Literature (French)
- Dr David Roffe
- Institute of Historical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Archaeology, Digital resources, History, History of the book, Manuscript studies, Medieval History, Palaeography